

A. Internasional

  1. R. K. Pokharel, P. Nugroho, A. Anand, H. Kanaya, K. Yoshida , Low Phase Noise 14-bit Digitally Controlled CMOS  Quadrature Ring Oscillator”,  IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics, Vol. E96-C, No.2, pp.262-269, Section: Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Technology, Frebuary 2013.
  2. Prapto Nugroho, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida ,”,  International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE), June 2012.
  3. Prapto Nugroho, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Awinash Anand, Abhisek Tomar, Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida ,Development of Digitally Controlled Ring Oscillator with ”, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, March 2012.
  4. Ramesh K. Pokharel, Sashank Lingala, Awinash Anand, Prapto Nugroho, Abishek Tomar, Haruichi Kanaya, and Keiji Yoshida, ”, IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Electronics, Vol. E94-C, No.10, pp.1524-1532,  Section: Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Technology, November  2011.
  5. A.I. Cahyadi, P. Nugroho and Y. Yamamoto, “Hybrid Design of Passive Mobile Robot Teleoperation System”, ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Communications, Vol. 8. No. 2, pp. 239—245, August 2010.


B. Lokal

  1. Prapto Nugroho, “Rangkaian Osilator Cincin Dengan Sinyal Keluaran Quadrature Untuk Aplikasi Komunikasi Nirkabel”,  Jurnal Nasional Teknik Elektro dan Teknologi Informasi (JNTETI), Agustus 2012.





A. Internasional

  1. Prapto Nugroho, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Awinash Anand, Shashank Lingala, Guo-qiang Zhang, Rui-bing Dong, Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida, “A Low Power 8-bit Digitally Controlled CMOS Ring Oscillator”, European Microwave Week 2012 (EumWeek 2012), Amsterdam, The Nederlands, October 2012.
  2. R. K. Pokharel, P. Nugroho, A. Anand, H. Kanaya, K. Yoshida, “Digitally controlled CMOS quadrature ring oscillator with improved FoM for GHz range all-digital phase-locked loop applications”, Microwave Symposium Digest (MTT), IEEE MTT-S International, Montreal. Canada, June 2012
  3. Prapto Nugroho, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Awinash Anand, Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida, A Novel 14-bit Digitally Controlled Ring Oscillator”, JEC-ECC 2012, Alexandria, Egypt, March 2012.
  4. Prapto Nugroho, Ramesh K. Pokharel, Awinash Anand, Abhisek Tomar, Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida, Development of Quadrature Output Digitally Controlled Ring Oscillator”, APMC 2011, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2011.
  5. Ramesh K. Pokharel, Satoshi Hamada, Abhisek Tomar, Shashank Lingala, Prapto Nugroho,Haruichi Kanaya, Keiji Yoshida,Digitally Controlled Ring Oscillator Using Fraction-Based Series Optimization for Inductorless Reconfigurable All-Digital PLL, SiRF2011, California,USA, Jan. 2011.
  6. A.I. Cahyadi, P. Nugroho and Y. Yamamoto, “Hybrid Design of Passive Mobile Robot Teleoperation System”, ISMAC2009, Bangkok, Jan. 2009.
  7. Prapto Nugroho, Ekachai Leelarasmee,Analysis Of A 3-Stage Single-Ended CMOS Ring Oscillator”, Electrical and Electronics Engineering Fieldwise Seminar (EEE FWS) on ” Advances in Systems and Information Technology, Bangkok, Thailand , November 22-23, 2007
  8. Prapto Nugroho, Ekachai Leelarasmee, Nobuo Fujii,Tuning Analysis of 3-stage CMOS Ring Ocillator”, ITC-CSCC2006 (International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communication), Chiang Mai, Thailand, June, 2006


B. Lokal

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Posted at December 10th, 2009.

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